I was so happy when The Audacity Coach, Jennie Mustafa-Julock, joined me to talk about a topic that every entrepreneur suffers from, that nagging inner voice. Jennie has kindly named her Hilda, and in this interview we talked about who Hilda is, why she always seems to show up, and what we can do to get rid of her once and for all!
Who is Hilda and what she does in our every day lives? Hilda is the voice that creeps in your head when you start actually moving down a path that could push you forward. She's the nagging naysayer that convinces you, you shouldn't take a chance because after all, what happens when you fail?
You have to figure out who this voice is because it's not you. Yes, it's in your head, but you can't let it get the best of you.
We all assume we're the only ones suffering from a Hilda, yet every single person has a Hilda. It's easy to feel that you're the only one hearing this cautionary crap in your brain, but you're not.
[ctt tweet="It's easy to feel that you're the only one hearing this cautionary crap in your brain, but you're not. #podcast http://ctt.ec/AP_i6+ " coverup="AP_i6"]
Why does Hilda exist and show up at these important times in our lives? Hilda has the best intentions. She means well because her job is to keep you safe, comfortable, and out of harm's way. If you listen to her, you'll never have to face your fears, you'll never get burned, or step out of your comfort zone. The key is, if you listen to her, you're never going to fail. However, you're never going to succeed either. The smaller and safer you are, the better off you'll be (or at least that's what she believes).
Is there anything else Hilda does to hold us back? She also creates feelings in your stomach, those terrifying feelings that hold you back. Jennie suggests working with her instead of against her and try to find something that's equally terrifying and exciting.
Now knowing who Hilda is, we realize how much Hilda is driving the bus.
When you're trying to get over that fear, Jennie suggests five reasons why this is important, exciting, and this is something that matters and something you should do. When you come up with those, Hilda can't win.
What are some others steps to overcome Hilda? One thing is to hit her with a comeback. The truth is, if Hilda was an actual friend you wouldn't allow this. When you start raising your awareness, you're going to start to notice there are certain 'Hilda-isms' that pop up more frequently. It just depends on how you were raised and the people around you.
Unless you're super human, you're going to have some missteps in your entrepreneur path. Hilda is going to jump and highlight those human moments so she can rub them in your face. She's wrong...You've got this!
Maybe it won't happen on the first try. If you're willing to give what it takes and never quit. She's never going to be able to stop you. What makes people quit is not other people, it's Hilda. You can do whatever you want to, as long as you don't quit.
[ctt tweet=" You can do whatever you want to, as long as you don't quit. #podcast http://ctt.ec/4u3cK+" coverup="4u3cK"]
You can find more about Jennie at coachjennie.com and you can also join her in the Audacity Lab over at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AudacityLAB/
More About Jennie: Jennie Mustafa-Julock, The Audacity Coach, helps driven individuals on the brink of something spectacular figure out how to astonish the heck out of themselves. Coach Jennie doesn't subscribe to the gentle encouragement coaching thing. She known for her signature cathartic shoves. And her BS-free approach to so-much-more-than-life coaching has been the catalyst for her clients to launch new businesses, publish their first books, negotiate career leaps, and adventure the world. If you’re itching for a more fulfilling, adventurous, remarkable life but you’re not quite sure how to make it happen…you need Coach Jennie.
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