[Branded Podcast Secrets] S2: Building Her Brand Through Podcasting


The journey to creating a podcast is very rarely straight, and Kris Dovbniak is the perfect example of someone who found her voice while building a business and a podcast. Kris is the founder of Health Balanced Mama and host of the Healthy Balanced Mama Podcast. She's a Culinary Nutritionist, certified intuitive eating counselor, classically trained chef, and mom of two.

In this episode of Branded Podcast Secrets, Kris shares her podcasting journey, and why she decided to embark on this medium for her business. Plus she talks about why it's been such a blessing and her secrets to marketing it.

To learn more about Kris, visit: https://www.healthymamakris.com/

If you're interested in starting your own branded podcast, feel free to set up a 1:1 Consultation with me here: https://calendly.com/erin-gregor/podcasting_consult_30

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[Branded Podcast Secrets] The Secrets To Building a Niche Podcast

When your child is diagnosed with a hearing impairment it can be a huge change to your world. Yes, the doctors are there to inform you of all of the technical aspects, but what about all of the other life moments? What about hearing from other parents who are going through what you’re going? How about the true stories of what you can expect?

Well, after helping patients on a one-on-one basis, Dr. Lilach Saperstein started to see the same questions over and over again, and saw a need to help parents beyond the typical clinical work and help down a path of a new world they would be entering.

Since then, her podcast, All About Audiology, has seen huge success and has led her down an entirely new business path. 

In this episode, Dr. Saperstein discusses how she’s grown her podcast through relationships in Instagram, how she’s used controversial topics to help set herself apart, and what’s next for her growing business.

You can find out more and listen to her podcast at: https://a...

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[Branded Podcast Secrets] Why Your Podcast Needs a Website Plus Tips for Creating Great Content


You have this amazing podcast, but you're relying solely on the podcast directories to promote it and get discovered. To put it lightly, you're making a very big mistake.

Today I'm joined by Jessica Freeman, host of the Work Your Wellness Biz. Jessica focuses primarily with wellness industry experts to build an online presence that stands out and gets clients. In this episode of Branded Podcast Secrets, not only are we talking about her specific podcast, but we're also talking about her expertise, websites, and why it's so important for podcasters to make sure they have a home for their content.

We also talk about how she's repurposing content, and how she has pivoted since starting her podcast over 160 episodes ago. She also gives some great tips on Pinterest and how to use that platform to gain followers.

To find out more about Jessica, visit: https://jesscreatives.com/.

If you're interested in starting your own branded podcast, feel free to set up a 1:1 Consultation with...

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[Branded Podcast Secrets] Does Going Viral on Instagram Boost Your Podcast?


It's the social media dream, to have your post/reel be viewed by millions of users. However, does that viral video actually help boost your download numbers?

Pamela Crane, host of the Yoga Pro Podcast, and owner of Interoceptive Performance. She focuses on helping Yoga Professionals get comfortable in front of the camera. Pamela uses podcasting to help boost her brand, and has found it's a great way to get client referrals.

Pamela has also utilized Instagram to help build her brand, and even had one of her reels go viral. We talked about how reels has been an important part of helping her grow, but why going viral may not be the end all, be all you think it will be for downloads and growth. It's all about helping you understand your client and connecting with them.

You can connect with Pamela at:





If you're inter...

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[Branded Podcast Secrets] Telling Clients' Stories Through Podcasting


It's the age old question for podcasting: Where will I find my guests?

We all know the typical strategy of finding 'successful' people and having them share their story. However, what if the perfect guest was already someone you were in contact with on a frequent basis.

AND even better, what if those same perfect guests would help you share your story in an even more authentic way?

Well, this is just one of the trips Jennifer Dent Brown shares in this episode of Branded Podcast Secrets. Jennifer is the host of the Stop Dieting Forever Podcast, and helps her clients do just that, stop dieting. In this episode of Branded Podcast Secrets, Jennifer shares her story of how she started podcasting by just reusing content that she had already created. And then how that grew into something more than she imagined.

We also talk about seasons, and why she went from a season format to publishing every day, plus her tips and tricks for growing a successful podcast.

To learn more about ...

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[Branded Podcast Secrets] Building Business Transforming Relationships Through Her Podcast

Do you really know what it’s the air you’re breathing, and how those amazingly scented candles, perfumes, laundry detergents, etc are affecting you?

You would probably be surprised at what these chemicals can do to you, and Kelly Bonanna is here to help us all discover clean beauty.

She is also the host of Clean Beauty Scene Podcast, and she shares her journey of starting and building her podcast for her business.

We talk about why she started the podcast, how she’s marketing it, and how the relationships she’s made through the podcast are transforming her business.

To connect with Kelly here are some links below:

Clean Beauty Scene Podcast on all apps &: https://kellybonanno.com/podcast/  

Website: https://kellybonanno.com/

Free download: 5 Steps To Improve Your Metabolism & Kickstart Weight Loss After 40    https://kellybonanno.com/metabolism  

The Body Harmony Method Group Program:  https://kellybonanno.com/bodyharmony 

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[Branded Podcast Secrets] Creating Strategic Partnerships Through Podcasts


Download numbers really don't matter when you're using your podcast to grow your business in several different ways.

In this episode of Branded Podcast Secrets, Kickstart Dental Marketing's Chris Pistorius joins us to talk about his podcast, Dental Marketing Podcast. Chris talks about how he's using in podcast in several different ways, which includes guesting on other podcasts for an SEO play, using it as a way to open the doors for potential clients, and meeting other companies where strategic partnerships can be formed.

His only regret is not starting sooner, and at only 15 episodes in, he's seeing major results in his business from finally pressing record.

To learn more about Chris, Kick Start Dental, and his podcast, visit: KickstartDental.com

If you're interested in starting your own branded podcast, feel free to set up a 1:1 Consultation with me here: https://calendly.com/erin-gregor/podcasting_consult_30

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[Branded Podcast Secrets] Using a Podcast To Help Others and Make a Difference


When Dr. Steven Bradley saw an opportunity to share the true stories of medical school, the seed for starting a podcast was born. It then led to a way to help others find the resources they needed to pursue medical school and open the doors for a more diverse community to develop in the medical field.

Since then, it’s been his mission to help be the voice for those who may not know next steps or even believe the options that are available to them.

His podcast journey continued to evolve from there as he combined his love of ethics and podcasting to start a new segment of episodes, which launched a second podcast.

Curbside Ethics: https://podcasts.apple.com/ro/podcast/curbside-ethics/id1576146971

Black Doctors Podcast: https://theblackdoctorspodcast.com/

More About Dr. Steven Bradley

Dr. Steven Bradley is a board-certified anesthesiologist and medical ethicist with a passion for mentorship and increasing diversity in the healthcare workforce. As an assistant professor of anes

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[Branded Podcast Secrets] Taking a Local Business International Through Podcasting

Dr Yami Cazorla-Lancaster is an author, speaker, and a very successful pediatrician in Washington. After being asked the same questions and deciding to create a place to serve her audience in a better way, the blog was born, which then moved into a podcast. 

Dr. Yami discusses how podcasting has become so much more than just a podcast, and how it grew into a book, which turned into international speaking engagements.

Dr. Yami has done an incredible job at using the podcast to leverage so much more. She also talks about how her show notes have evolved, plus ad placement, and why self marketing is so important.

She also gives great advice on why it’s okay to evolve your podcast, and change what is working best for you.

To learn more about Dr. Yami and listen to Veggie Doctor Radio, visit: 


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[Branded Podcast Secrets] How Stepping Up Launched a Podcast That's Making a Huge Impact


You have to love a company that listens to the ideas of their employees, and that’s exactly what happened to today’s guest, Karonlina Toth.

After burnout happened at her previous employer, Karolina moved to Coding Sans. She noticed they were conducting great interviews through blog posts, and encouraged them to to begin a podcast. They listened, Level Up Engineering was born, and the rest is history.

Karolina talks about why proving value has been Karolina’s #1 priority. How their first podcast spun off into an entirely different podcast, and why the company is behind not one but two podcasts now. We also ow the podcast has created open door opportunities for their sales team, the simplest secret to what helps her get such amazing talent on her podcast, plus so much more.

Want to connect with Karolina - head over to CodingSans.com to find the podcast and learn more. You can also connect with her directly on LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/karolinatoth/

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