99 - Tip Tuesday - Making Sure You're At Your Prime As An Entrepreneur with Adria DeCorte

Starting and building a business can be very time-consuming, and so many times the first thing that gets put on the back burner is our health. Adria DeCorte of AdriaDecorte.com, along with the Feed Your Hustle Podcast shared some great tips on small things you can do to make sure your energy is optimized!

Adria worked for the government for several years as a Plant Scientist. Before that, she had been gaining weight slowly, and hit a point where she stepped on the scale and realized she was the same weight as her husband. It was at that point, where she no longer wanted to concentrate on the limitations, but she concentrated on what she could do.

This led her to have more energy, and started thriving in her government job. However, she found herself focusing too much on being perfect. So she pulled back a little bit to find balance.  It was at that moment, where she learned to listen to her body, was when she realized that what she really wanted was to do something on her own. That...

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98 - Tip Tuesday - The Big Mistake You Must Avoid While Building Your Business with Susie Miller

This probably wasn't the only reason, but I can reasonably say I lost my first marriage to entrepreneurship.  It was awesome to build my business and make money.  Even though I saw my relationship crumbling, I figured it would make it through the hard times.  However, when that sale was complete, I found myself staring at a complete stranger.

I was so happy to have Susie Miller on the podcast because I believe this is the side of the entrepreneur journey that no one likes to talk about.  Lives get consumed, people feel left out, and relationships fall apart on the road to success.  It's so important that you understand how to make sure you're maintaining the most important thing in your life, your relationships with your loved ones, as you build your business.

Susie gives us some incredible tips on how exactly to do that!

Susie tells us that when you've agreed you're in start-up, your relationship needs to be on the same page.  Understand it's like a drip campaign.  Stop in, let t...

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**Bonus** Changes Are Coming! And the One Thing That Has Forever Changed My Life and Business

In this week's podcast, I'm making an announcement about some changes over at The Starters Club.

I'm also talking about the one thing that has made the biggest impact on my life and my business.  I can't stress enough how much you're going to want to start doing it too.


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[VLOG] 3 Tips to Use Social Media to Build Relationships

A lot of people get on social media and start tweeting and posting, and then get really excited when they get some followers and likes.  However, so many people are missing out on an incredible opportunity to really build their business through social media. So I am going to share a couple of tips of what you can do to take it to the next level and start developing relationship using social media.

First, when you are connecting do more than just connect. A lot of people use Facebook as a networking tool. Be careful, don’t do too much business on your profile.  However, you can defiantly connect with potential business connections, if you are comfortable with it.  However, instead of just connecting and then moving on with life, actually introduce yourself.  Tell them what you do, and what you are about.

However, the key to this, and asking more about them, and find out how you can help them. This isn't about overloading them on what you are about and start spamming.  Instead find o...

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97 - Tip Tuesday Creating the Perfect Logo with Emily Adams

When you're starting a business, logos are very important.  However, with all of the options out there (from extremely cheap to expensive), it's important to know where to go and what you should plan on spending.  It is more than just a picture, and it's important to understand that.

Emily has a background in graphic design and branding, and she just really wanted to make a shift to have a flexible schedule and take on different creative challenges.  She started her own business, and is grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve others.

What should I be thinking about when starting to design a logo?  A mistake people usually make is going too large for their first logo.  You want something simple, memorable, and understandable.  Then you want to create a few different versions of it, i.e. one for your website, one for packaging, etc.  You really want to think of some of your options and where you'll be using it.

Emily does a lot of logo presentations, and it's more than jus...

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[VLOG] What I Believe When it Comes to Being an Entrepreneur

So it seems that it is the ‘it thing’, everyone wants you to be an entrepreneur. It is what everyone is doing and it is the only way to a great life. Entrepreneurship is not easy.  It’s not for everyone and there is a lot to endure. When you get use to that every week paycheck and then suddenly you don’t have insurance or paycheck coming it is all on you. Some people get a high off that and some people get completely freaked out about that. So before you jump on that entrepreneur bandwagon, I really don't think you have to do that in order to live a fulfilled life. But there are two things that you really do need to have and a lot of times it is entrepreneurship that gets you there.

The first thing is you must have some sort of purpose, some sort of calling higher than you of why you are here on earth. If you go and punch a clock every day and come home and sit and watch television, you really are more than likely are not living a life fulfilled. So even if it is not entrepreneurshi...

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96 - Tip Tuesday - Establishing Systems to Make Productivity Increase with Val Geisler

Working in corporate america for a company that encourages you as the employee to own and create a difference in the world for yourself, is a dream to many.  With the thought-provoking measures that it takes to be a stage manager in theater productions to helping clients take their business to the next level, that really put systems in place to make sure that productivity is at its highest is the focus.   It is all about helping the entrepreneur grow and evolve in their business.

Tell us a little about yourself and how you got started with the system strategy? It is really about more of who she is and the conversation that is going on about following your passion and you will never work a day in your life.   Being systemized and organized is who she is, so really it is about looking at what you are drawn to and the constant theme that you have done in your life and really follow the underlying current. Which leads to success because you really have a passion and love doing what you ...

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95 - How Refusing To Let Go of a Childhood Passion Created a Business with Anthony Shetler

With a unique approach to the start of a company over several decades this young entrepreneur is taking his dream and making all of it a reality.  He spends his days working in an industry that for him was once an outlet to find himself and deal with life around him.  From the projects as a kid,  to a professional skateboarder touring the world, to creating and marketing his own brand, Anthony Shetler is doing what he loves to do each and every day.  He has created a world around him based on a need and what he needed in his life, skateboarding.  All I Need was created, and the rest tells the story of the passion that this young man share in his story and his vision.

Tell us a little about yourself and how you decided to make skateboarding your living. It all started when Anthony was thirteen years old and he was introduced to skateboarding. He was a young teen lost and confused due to loosing his dad and his mom dealing with an addiction. A friend of his introduced him to skateboar...

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94 - Tip Tuesday - Secrets to Opt-In Pages That Convert with Tim Paige

Building your list is everything when you're building your business, and in order to do that you need to have an opt-in page and offer that converts.

Tim Paige of Leadpages came by to break down what makes a great offer, the things you should and shouldn't do, and how to bring in more customers with less effort.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you became the fact of lead pages. With a vast background in sales and the face to face close the deal style he made his mark in sales. The reason for the sales profession was because he was doing it while trying to cover expenses for the band that he was in and traveling the country with very little. When the band would come back into town they would rush to work their jobs to cover expenses and Tim knew that he could cover his by working a sales job. As time went on he found himself needing to find a way to make the sales part not so time intensive. Although at one time he was making six-figures he was working eighteen hour days...

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93 - An Evolution From Travel Agent to Business Coach With Carmen Perez

Never did anyone ever say it would be easy to try to make a life of your own. The journey that Carmen set out on was nothing short of easy. She went from starting a travel business in a world where many did not even believe that they existed to growing it to a profitable business that has allowed her to help others be a success in their own business.  She incorporates the reason for being and your purpose in life with travel to help create a sense of peace and understanding in oneself. Allowing others to really understand that with time you can do anything but allowing yourself to slow down and take it all in will make you a success.

Can you share with us the journey about your business and how you started?   In 2011, Effortless Living Online was born as a travel agent business and has grown from there. However many people did not even know that travel agents still existed. So in the beginning she had to dig in her heals, feeling completely lost she removed the negative thoughts and...

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