32 - The Single Mom Movement with Jessica Rector

Jessica Rector’s story is the ultimate making lemonade out of lemons.  After she found herself with an unexpected pregnancy, she not only decided to take on motherhood, but she also made it her mission to help other single moms.   Her mission is to help the moms out there who want to start making a life that they love versus just trying to get through the day. 

She joined us to share her story of this incredible business, along with telling us how she juggles a 20-month-old and a booming business.

How did ‘The Single Mom Movement’ come about? Jessica was a life coach, traveling all over the world and living life to the fullest. After becoming pregnant she thought her life was coming to an end. Being very career-focused she had no idea what to do or what her life would look like as a single mom and kept her pregnancy a secret as shame took hold of her. She ‘came out’ to the world through her blog titled ‘The Clueless Mom’. Through this, Jessica, was inspired to turn her news into good news. She found that empowering single moms was her purpose. Jessica then began to help single moms with programs and coaching and is now writing a book. ‘The Clueless Mom’ changed to ‘The Single Mom Movement’ and really took hold. The one thing Jessica thought would ruin her life has actually catapulted her life and given her more purpose and fulfillment in her life that she never had before.

What was your first step? Jessica’s first step was getting herself out there and networking. It was extremely scary for her to share that she was pregnant and her story. She thought she would get nothing but judgment but found acceptance. Jessica found that sharing her story opened the door for connecting.

You cannot expect people to know about you, your passion, and your mission unless you tell them.

How do you make a business out of this? Jessica coaches a little but mainly does programs. She hosts phone calls, live events, workshops, and a variety of different things.

How do you manage your time? Asking the question, “How badly do you want it?” motivates Jessica. She is able to weave in what fills her up (her passions, her purpose) to her schedule. This might look like waking up earlier and staying up late. Jessica also plans her entire week on Sunday night so she knows what she must do every day and everything else she gets done in that day is a bonus. Jessica also suggests to get rid of all distractions while trying to work.

Have you had to make any changes to the original course of your business? Jessica rebranded to ‘The Single Mom Movement’ from the ‘Clueless Mom’ but also has changed so much. For example, Jessica has recently found herself in more of a political realm after not wanting to get involved in politics. Jessica is now speaking with policy and legislation decision makers about how single motherhood affects everyone. She is now meeting with policy makers to change the economy, as we know it by changing public perception.

The more you become clear on your mission and your purpose the more clear you can be to the public and you clients. This might mean tweaking here and there or even changing the name of you business.

Jessica with ‘The Single Mom Movement’ strives to show single moms that they are not alone, that they are accepted, and are loved for who they are.

What has been something for you that has been a huge win, marketing wise? Jessica says that word of mouth has been key for her and ‘The Single Mom Movement’. When you have something that moves people or allows them to support a cause or a mission then they will go and tell everyone they know about it. She also says that having a community that supports you is key.

What has been a moment for you that you knew this is what you were supposed to be doing? When Jessica is stressed out she thinks about what her purpose is. She is always driven by the millions of single moms in the world that she is doing all of this for.

What is a tool that you cannot live without when it comes to your business? Jessica says that community is by far the one thing that has gotten her to where she is.

More About Jessica:   As a single mom herself, Jessica Rector understands how you might feel overwhelmed, exhausted, or stressed. When she found herself unexpectedly pregnant, Jessica searched for information or resources to support single moms. She became frustrated at the lack of help, and she knew that if she felt this way, other single moms felt the same way (she didn’t realize millions of single moms felt the say way). So she created The Single Mom Movement™ to serve single moms to stop saying “I can’t” but instead say, “Look at ALL I can do as a single mom.” The Single Mom Movement’s mission is to empower single moms to lead happy, fulfilled lives so they can better empower their kids and to transform public perception. With targeted programs, workshops, and events, single moms use Jessica’s proven strategies to have a life they love by first becoming educated on how to love themselves. Jessica strives for every single mom to Breathe Happiness. Be Fulfilled. Live Empowered!

You can connect with Jessica Rector at TheSingleMomMovement.com and Facebook.com/SingleMomMovement as well as Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.


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