60 - Dr. Karen Osburn - Chiropractor, Blogger, Podcaster, and Most Important, Mom

So many times when we have one job, we believe it's enough.  Dr. Karen Osburn, who is a chiropractor, decided to start a blog.  When she discovered it was the parenting posts which really took off, she decided to take the blog from her business website and create a 'life' of it's own.  She found a group of mom's who loved hearing her stories and loved her honesty and vulnerability.

Her goal is to create a safe place for moms.  Where it's about not feeling shame, and to be allowed to be honest without fearing judgement.

How did you go from blog to podcast?  Dr. Osburn and her husband actually had a program where they taught families how to be healthier. When they had a harder time getting people to show up, they decided to take it online.  Their first podcast was to promote this program.  She heard another podcast where they talked about reading blog posts.  She felt she could revise the ones she had written.  She launched her podcast and discovered it became the feature part of the online side of her business.    She then started adding guests along with the blog reading.  

How do you determine your vulnerability in your posts?  Dr. Osburn says to look at the authenticity of what you're posting.  She also makes a great point that once when you're not still in it.  It's so raw to share when it's still 'not done'.  The more that she shares, the easier that it gets.  She also knows other people who aren't there to share that much.  For some people it may scare them to death to be that honest.  She also believes one of her gifts is connection, and that's done through vulnerability and sharing her story. 

Do do you ever worry about being too open?  She doesn't because it never comes from a place of anger, but rather a place of being honest and being real about it.  If her children one day do ever listen to the end they'll discover she always comes from a place of love, and is thankful from the lesson.  

How are you doing the juggle?  In a short answer, poorly.  She hasn't been in the gym for six weeks, and she's getting run down physically.  She was holding it all together, but it was at a point where once thing cracked, it broke everything.  She is now recovering from the cracks, and is trying to figure it all out.  Dr. Osburn made a great point that when you say 'yes' to something, you're saying 'no' to something else in your life, and you really need to determine where that give and takes lies.

What's next for Mom at 41?  She does have some listeners/readers who are patients.  However, most of her followers are in the US.  Right now she's realizing they can't do both.  They're looking at having someone help with the office more and letting her and her husband step back.  Or they may just go to strictly the online side of things.   She's really looking at ways to find a simpler life.

What have you done marketing wise that really worked well?  One of the biggest things for her was the Facebook page.  It was really at a default. When she was having trouble putting her Leadpages page together, she decided to just go for the Facebook page first.  Then she started running Facebook Ads targeting a very specific group.  She had the ads at only about $10 - $15/day.  She saw a huge bump in growth very quickly. Because it's such a targeted ad, she pays only like $.17/like.   Dr. Osborn also uses her Facebook page to really find out what's resonating with moms and what she can talk about.

More About Dr. Karen Osburn:  Dr. Osburn is the owner of Synergy Family Wellness Center and a blogger and podcaster at Mom at 41.  She is also a mom to 2 boys.



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