69 - Joleene Moody - Another Ultimate 180 Story Who Teaches Others How To Find Their Own

Joleene has an incredible story about deciding to make a life changing career after she was a news reporter and anchor for 10 years.  After seeing others helping people find their passions, Joleene discovered she really wanted to do more with her life.   At first she felt that she should just be really grateful for what she had.  However, at about year 9, she just thought she could do more.  She discovered that the people who were out there making a difference, didn't know anything different from her, they just went out and did it.

Joleene's first step came when she met a woman who was speaking and interviewed her to find out how she did it.  She decided to approach her and ask her an hour of her time.  Not only did she sit down with her, she gave Joleene her first speaking opportunity.

Can you describe the line of being grateful and wanting more in your career?  For Joleene it was a flip of a switch.  Joleene was talking to her landlord just after she quit her job.  Her landlord, who had lost her job was asking Joleene if she was able to find work.  Joleene felt immense guilt because she had left by choice where this other woman hadn't.  Joleene says it all comes down to her belief systems and what you subscribe to.  There's nothing wrong with being grateful for what you have, but still realize that this world is abundant and you have permission to reach for the gifts you've been given.

How does your first speaking opportunity propel you to a whole new career?  The woman who had helped her find her first speaking engagement, helped her find a few more.  She fed Joleene the lower paying ones, but Joleene was thrilled to take those.  At first, she didn't even have an idea of what an entrepreneur was.  Then she started going to networking groups, and saw women in business, but saw that the women weren't even making money.  She then hired a business coach and worked with that coach after a few years of following them.

Joleene then decided to get her own coaching certificate.

How do you help people get over the limiting beliefs that we don't even know we have?  Joleene tells us it's a journey.  The tapes of our life are played over and over again and we don't even realize it.  Our subconscious has no understanding of time.  The only way to get over that is to reprogram your beliefs.  This is why people meditate and why they work through affirmations.  After the age of 7, the way we learn is through repetition.  'You have to write your own rules.'  The most successful people in the world are learning to re-write their story of their subconscious and take their damn voices back.'   You have to break the rules that are in place and write the ones that fit you.

What do think some of the reasons were when you met so many women in business who weren't doing well?  We get in our own way, plus we have outside factors.  Women are very vulnerable.  For us to step up and conquer is a huge step.  However, so many times Joleene hears women say they don't believe they're worth it.  They will tell the biggest excuses to keep them from growing.  It typically comes down to something that has affected them earlier in life.  They tend to re-live those stories, and it's hard for us to break through.

I love what Joleene had to say here:  The problem is we really believe that there's a world that exists where we will exist in it where we will feel 100% certain every minute of the day.  And life is not certain.  There's no guarantee.  So throw yourself off that cliff and go exploring into the things that are really calling to you.  Your life will change!

What has been one of the biggest ways you've grown your business?  Joleene says doing podcasts has been huge for growing her business and just getting her voice out there.

You can find Joleene at Joleenespeaks.com

More About Joleene:   Joleene Moody is a former central New York television reporter and anchor turned passion shift coach, speaker and author. After struggling for years in a place that didn’t satisfy her true dreams and desires to write and sing and play on stage, Joleene bravely left the security of her job to embark on a journey that allowed her to unearth her greatest dreams and desires – while profiting generously at the same time.  Today she confidently guides men and women all over the globe to a place within, where they can uncover and discover who and what they are truly meant to be and do, while generating handsomely from their deepest desires.


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