[VLOG] 4 Steps to Successful Networking

Networking to a lot of people can be terrifying or a lot of people claim they have tried it and it just does not work for them. But networking can be one of the most powerful, incredible tools for your business.

I backed into networking.  When I started my first business, I had just move to Dallas and did not know anyone. Someone invited me to a networking event, and I had no idea what it was.  I attended the event and was blown away by the potential to meet these incredible entrepreneurs. After coming from the corporate world they were amazing to me because they were positive, upbeat and excited about what they were doing, and I loved it. It was my lunchtime to get out and make new friends in the right groups.

What I see, is people doing it wrong. They say that it doesn’t work for them but it truly can work. I got to the point where I was literally getting phone calls from people years after a specific networking event, stating that they knew so –n – so. However, I just could not remember the person or the event but would take the referral and take care of that person in my business. It is a chain effect when you meet people you build relationships.

So bottom line is it can work for you. There are just four incredibly important principles that you have to keep in mind in order for it to work well for your business.

The first principle is networking is about building relationships. This is not about showing up passing out your business card and having someone just dying to do business with you. This is about relationships. I have a great friend that says build a relationship before you need it and have this mindset when you go in. This is not about “oh hey, yeah I’m great”, let’s chat on the phone and you never do. This is about how can I help you, how can I serve you and how can I build a relationship with you.

My goal in networking is to be 'that guy', and that is why I feel that I have been so very successful with networking. I want to find out about you, what you do, whom you serve and where you need help. More specifically how I can connect that person with not only potential customers but with strategic partners. A strategic partner is a person in a different business but a network of similar clientele. When you allow them to talk, sitting there silently asking questions when you need to they are going to think you are awesome and they are going to remember you. Then they are going to want to help you and want to know more about you. When you are passing referrals then that is when you stay top of mind. Remember this, consider this and be “that person”. If you approach networking with the above and beyond approach of helping people instead of the “who do you know” approach, you will be much more effective in your networking. Further more it will enhance your business as well.

The third principle is following through. It should be second nature but when you go to an event and you meet someone and you realize that you have people to connect this person to and with, make sure you do what you say you are going to do. If you are not going to take the time to follow through with the people who you meet then do not waste your time attending networking events.  Follow through is one of the most important parts of your business. It is the same with networking; you cannot make promises and then not follow through.

The last principle is keep coming back. You have to be in networking for the long haul. When you are trying to “connect” with the great networkers, they protect their network. They don’t just meet you for the first time and say “oh hey” I have this great person that I need to put you in touch with because if you do not show follow through how do they know that you will follow through with the referral and that it makes both parties look bad. You have to be willing to keep coming back to show that you are for real and serious about the group and those that are in the group. Feel free to test groups but just do not expect referrals to come on the first visit. Then once you find a group that works for you stick with it and get it on your calendar. Then take the relationships outside of the meeting to getting to know the members in the group the better it’s going to go.

Don’t ignore networking; it’s one of the best things for your business. You have to do it right and build relationships, be that guy, follow through and keep coming back. If you follow these four things in networking it is going to do wonders for your business. So start getting out there and finding some groups on meetup.com or get on Facebook and see if there is anyone that can refer you to a group that they are in and just start feeling them out. Don’t commit right away keep returning and testing out different groups and you will be amazed at what it does.


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